Volume 33 Issue 1
A publication of Focus Evangelistic Ministries, Inc
Summer 2024
Focus Evangelistic Ministries, Inc. PO Box 498 Danielsville, GA 30633
You can watch the weather, or get to work!
We spend a lot of time in contemplation, wondering what could happen, what has happened, or what might have happened if things had been different. Ecclesiastes 11:4 exhorts readers to not waste time on things we can’t control:
“He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap.” – Ecclesiastes 11:4
This verse comes at the end of Ecclesiastes, which explores the meaninglessness of any labor apart from the Lord. Yet life itself is not without purpose: it’s a gift from God! He’s granted us the time that we have to glorify him. But we won’t glorify him with that work if we whittle our lives away wringing our hands at things that are in God’s control, not ours. So what should we do when we don’t know which way is up? Ecclesiastes 11:6 gives us the answer:
“In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand: for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good.” – Ecclesiastes 11:6
We don’t know what God will do with our labor, or how He will work through our struggles. But we are not commanded to know all things; we are called to trust His infinite wisdom and do the work that He has called us for…
So stop watching the weather and get to work!
It has been a while since we published an issue of The Communicator. As many of you know, my dad, Freddie Coile was diagnosed with glioblastoma (brain cancer) more than a year ago following a sudden medical episode. It was a weighty revelation, as this form of brain cancer is both aggressive and deadly. In the past year, Dad has had two brain surgeries, several cycles of chemotherapy, and radiation treatment in addition to diet changes and a slew of integrative remedies. Nevertheless his cancer continues to elude us.
Why this? Why us? These are questions that I’ve asked myself and God in the past 15 months. But God didn’t call me to contemplate; He called me to trust Him and do His will.
Dad, being of a similar mind, has continued to preach and teach. He tells me every day that he is still here, so God must still be using him. And He is.
We had more campers at Camp Grace this summer than we’ve ever had. Even with the Lodge at full capacity we were bursting at the seams! We watched in participation with the Holy Spirit as campers trusted Christ, memorized Bible verses, and dedicated their lives to His service. We have been allowed by God to be put in trust with His gospel (1 Thessalonians 2:4), and there is no higher calling than to deliver it.
That realization hit me harder than ever about a year ago while I was on the road working for my corporate job. I burst into tears (not advisable while driving at night) and immediately began praying (always advisable).
I talked to Dad about my feeling of dissatisfaction with my station in life, and he dropped one of the coolest movie quotes ever on me from a baseball film called The Rookie:
“Son, it’s ok to do what you want to do, until it’s time to do what you were made to do.”
So I told God that I would put my big boy pants on and do what I was made to do. All I asked was that he show me the way one step at a time. Six months later, Dad asked me to be the camp director of Grace Farm. I accepted on the spot. Then, through happy tears of anticipation, he asked me if I would succeed him as the president of Focus Evangelistic Ministries Inc. I immediately deferred to answer. (I had asked God to lead me one step at a time, not two!)
But I prayed, and Dad prayed, and I again felt the tug on my soul that said to trust God. So I accepted Dad’s second offer. His appointment was official enough, but I requested that the board of Focus Ministries vote to affirm it. If this was God’s will, more wise counselors would agree with the decision. They did.
Dad continues to advise me as we work together sharing God’s word through Grace Farm events, speaking engagements, and our radio show and podcast, Focus on the Bible. I’ve watched Dad invest himself in this ministry my entire life, and I’m prepared to steward the ministry that he has pioneered. In the ways that I’m not ready, I trust that God will continue to prepare (see 1 Corinthians 1:26-27).
We continue to pray for healing for Dad, knowing that God will be glorified in His recovery or departure as Paul describes in Philippians 1:21 (“…to live is Christ, and to die is gain”).
If you believe in what God is doing through our ministry, I’ve got news for you: we can’t do it alone! We need financial support and prayer. Dad’s medical expenses have mounted, so any support in that area will be gratefully received and deeply appreciated. We also need people to share both our needs and resources with others who care. If that sounds like you, please have a look at the links below for something that uniquely relates to you or someone you know. We can’t wait to partner with you!
Because of Grace,
Learn More
- FEMI Website: FEMIOnline.com
- Grace Farm’s Website: GraceFarmOnline.com
Support Our Ministry
- Make a Donation: https://femionline.com/donate/
- Focus On the bible podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/fotb
- Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@focusevangelisticministriesinc
Contact us
- Josiah Coile
- 762-218-3060
- Josiah@femionline.com
- Eden Coile